Lift Development Blog December 2019

Sadly, we will not be releasing Lift in 2019. 

We were waiting to the last minute to see if it was possible, but with only 1 day left in the year, I think we’re going to call it here. All joking aside, we’re still in active development and have made tremendous progress in the last year. We all work on Lift part-time, we all have other jobs and responsibilities but are determined to release a great game in the near future. 

Comparison between Lift at the end of 2018 and now.

Comparison between Lift at the end of 2018 and now.

We’re starting Dev Blogs to hold ourselves accountable and share with the world what the team is up to! From our student version of the game, Lift has been completely overhauled with almost entirely new art, mechanics and content. This has meant losing a lot of hours on work that hasn’t made it into the game, but we’re very happy with what we have now and are confident this is a far superior version of the game and story we want to tell. 

Some new Westwind Bellhop designs!

Some new Westwind Bellhop designs!

We’ve added a few new members to the team and they’ve already contributed some great work. We’ve been able to complete most of the art and writing we need and are mostly addressing core bugs in the game. We’re also hoping to spend a lot of time making the hotel itself look much better through good lighting, shaders and post-processing (things we’re all learning for the first time).


This year, we were lucky enough to showcase Lift in Santa Cruz and had a wonderful experience. We hope to continue showing off the game at events like IndieCade and Day of the Devs. By all luck, that should mean we release Lift in 2020, but we’d much rather release a great game later, than an okay game now.

We’re going to keep chugging away at making this darn game, and one day y’all can get your hands on it, we promise!

- Daniel Chamberlin